Seville continues to be the epicentre of Spain’s enduring love affair with bullfighting, with the city playing host to hotly-attended events at its historic La Maestranza bullring.

A statue of a bullfighter outside La Maestranza (Photo: via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0)
Whatever your views on bullfighting, its grip on the Spanish psyche cannot be denied. Woven deeply into the country’s cultural fabric, nowhere is the sport more fervently followed than in the southern city of Seville, where its eye-catching 19th-century bullring draws packed crowds – both on event days and for public tours. If you’d like to attend a bullfighting event in Seville over the coming months but official tickets are sold out for your preferred dates, check out our short guide below complete with ticket advice and scheduling.
A well-established peer-to-peer ticket exchange service, StubHub International offer resale tickets for events across the world. Sellers are able to set tickets at a rate of their choosing and the website allows you to view the face value cost, so you can judge the relative value. Once purchased, tickets can be delivered as hard copies, as print-at-home versions, or sent directly to your mobile as E-tickets. When we searched for Seville bullfighting tickets, we found availability for a number of upcoming events, starting at €98 for dates in late June. StubHub also offer a full refund if the event is cancelled and not rescheduled. However, buyers should be aware that additional fees for service, delivery and VAT usually add up to around 15-20%.
La Maestranza holds bullfights from March or April until October each year. From June to October, events focus on ‘Novilleros’ (young bullfighters) and Novillos (young bulls). Dates for the remainder of 2024 are as follows:
Thursday 13 June (9pm) Nek Romero, Tomás Bastos, Martín Morilla
Thursday 20 June (9pm) Villita, David López, Aarón Infantes
Thursday 27 June (9pm) Participants TBC
Thursday 4 July (9pm) Participants TBC
Thursday 11 July (9pm) Participants TBC
Thursday 18 July (9pm) Participants TBC
Thursday 25 July (9pm) Participants TBC
Friday 27 September (6.30pm) Feria de San Miguel: Sebastián Castella, Alejandro Talavante, Daniel Luque
Saturday 28 September (6.30pm) Feria de San Miguel: Jose María Manzanares, Borja Jiménez, Roca Rey
Sunday 29 September (6.30pm) Feria de San Miguel: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza (despedida de Sevilla), Morante de la Puebla, Juan Ortega
Sunday 13 October (6.30pm) Festival taurino: TBC