
The Best Extended Stay Hotels in Boise

by Stephanie Baker  |  Published April 6, 2017

Boise, ID is a lively little city nestled at the foot of rolling hills and forests that create an iconic landscape for travelers and residents to admire. While there are not many extended stay hotels in Boise, the few they do have make it easy for long-term visitors to enjoy everything this energetic city has to offer. Their downtown is a hub for arts, shopping, dining and nightlife, while the many miles of national forest at the edge of city limits hosts countless opportunities for outdoor recreation.

The luxury of all four seasons means the few Boise extended stay hotels available must have value to offer year-round. Those who frequently travel to Boise or plan to spend a significant amount of time there do not want to change hotels when they discover the pool is not open year-round—or that whichever amenity they value is not available. So TravelMag has compiled a list of top extended stay hotel choices for enjoying a Boise trip! Check out our favorites below.