Bulldogs fans, get ready: Starkville’s Davis Wade Stadium is about to host its 123rd season. The Bulldog’s are one of the oldest college football teams, and this year looks to continue the legacy.

Scott Field @ Davis-Wade Stadium by Phillip Hendon via Flickr
The 2018/2019 season will feature 7 home games at Davis Wade Stadium and 5 away games with Kansas State and historic rivals Kentucky, LSU, Alabama and Ole Miss. The Bulldogs’ season kicks off on September 1st against Austin at Davis Wade Stadium. So where’s the best place to buy cheap tickets this season? For purchasing tickets we recommend the two leading websites–StubHub and Ticketmaster–and well as one other website that offers tickets.

Owned by eBay, StubHub is not just a retail vendor, it’s also a ticket reselling platform, which means you can sometimes snag great last-minute deals. It’s a lot easier than showing up at the stadium on game day and trying to buy tickets from a scalper, and it’s guaranteed to be a lot cheaper and safer. StubHub also has season tickets available for all 7 home games at Davis Wade Stadium for ~$350, and although they are selling out fast there will probably be some for resale near the start of the season.

If there’s any doubt you’ll make it you should buy from StubHub so you can easily resell your ticket right up until kickoff. While we recommend Stubhub, if you’re buying last-minute and can’t find tickets you should check out Ticketmaster.