If you are trying to rent a car online, at least a dozen rental comparison websites are vying for your patronage, and all of them claim to offer the lowest car rental rates. TravelMag has analysed them in depth and selected the best options for travelers.

Car Rental Counter (Photo: Autorentals.com via Flickr/ CC BY 2.0)
Many travelers booking a rental car just pick the first available counter they see at the airport or the counter with the shortest queue. However, booking your car online in advance can save you a lot of money, as high as 50% if you are just looking for the cheapest car available.
We compared the various car rental comparison websites based on a variety of factors, focusing primarily on their ability to find the most affordable cars and the best deals. Below are our top recommendations.


RentalCars.com is part of Booking, the leading travel company in the world. While they are a very good alternative to Holidayautos, we found that fewer rental car companies are available at certain airports, thereby making rates for the cheapest available car a bit higher. For the best deals, RentalCars often does not show the name and the rating of the company until after you confirm your booking. This “mystery company” factor is what led us to list RentalCars as our second-best pick.